Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My One-Month-Jogja

Dear bloggy,

Still, my body is trying to dry my sweating body after biking in the morning. Well, one of my fave thing of Jogja is when enjoying the road. In the morning, I used to chase a sunrise on a Kali Code bridge. In that time, I rode my motorbike. Watching Merapi mountain from far away. Today, ehm, this morning, I put my ass on a bike. Measuring meter by meter from Sendowo to Super Indo Jalan Kaliurang then turned around.

The thing is, I do love Jogja. Some people might say that I can't get out of the comfort zone. Whatever. For me, my comfort zone is Palembang. Where I can get everything. Foods, money, family, car, or so whatever else. I didn't even wash my clothes!

Here, I do all by my self. Mmm, with some helps obviously. But seriously. I don't mind that I have to row a friend's bike to get to somewhere which is out of my by-foot-coverage-area. Or, without riding a motorbike. And am not so sure that I would love to do that in Palembang. Hahaha.

Since it has one month after leaving, I still a jobless. But am happy. That's it. That's all what I've got so far. Do you mind? I don't. Because I have to learn that, life is about process, not goal. But hell yeah, am a crazy person if I don't want a goal. The problem is, no no no. There's no a "problem".

Am good. Ciao!

*save for the best of the rest*

-Xiao Aya_

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Trembling Hands

Dear bloggy,

Just like usual, I can't sleep yet. Watching Korean drama online with my new Ah* modem. Then suddenly it stops and so many things come into my head. Like, BUMP! I miss college. I miss radio. I miss being so rude of my own passion. I miss yesterday(s). 

Trembling hands, I'm on my own, throw me a line, afraid that I have come here (again)...

Almost a month since I got here. Dumped my self into this memorable (damn) small city. Yesterday I got my bus ticket to come back to my hometown on next 10 August. Tonight, am a little bit scared of being interrogated as soon as I come back by my parents. About, what have I done for a one-month-Jogja's. Well, actually I don't have so many answers to explain to them. I haven't (or didn't) apply for any kind of job since two weeks ago. Right now am still fighting with my self. Yes sir. I have to combat this 26-years-old-girl. I can't promise my mom and dad except that I wash my clothes by my self. I mop the floor oftentimes. I wake up in the morning (even in the very beginning, I fin my self for 5000 IDR if I over sleep). I keep my room neat. I even watering the flower in the pots, saving them from death. While, maybe, am on my own to my death. Hahaha.

Not that scary, actually

Mucho <3

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Funny Little World

Dear bloggy,

Sometimes, you dont have any idea about what a social media can bring in a time.


Sunday, June 3, 2012

There's No Such a ...

Dear Bloggy,

There are a lot of things called happiness. Wake up in the morning. Getting well from fever. Take a look an old photo on the wall. Showering sweating body. Even just to pull out shit from my nose.

But there's no such a thing called happiness if,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"What a Surprise!", Bu Judith Said

Dear bloggy,

Pagi ini dimulai dengan rutinitas yang biasa. Bangun dibangunin ibu, nyapu, ga sempet ngepel, ga nyuci piring plus ga masak. Well, yang dua terakhir diambil alih oleh ibuku. Jadi ibu rumah tangga yang hebat memang begitu, dapur kena kantor kena.


Sekitar jam 08.00 kami sampai di Dinas Pendidikan Kota Palembang. Di sini aku sempat merenung sejenak, betapa inginnya aku punya sekolah untuk anak anak. Keinginan ini sampai kepadaku kemarin magrib, tiba tiba aja.


Setelah ke Dinas, aku nganter ibu ke SD 160 di belakang Ramayana Ilir Barat. Katanya dia mau ada pemeriksaan guru sampai nanti jam 11.00-an. Mendadak bingung mau ke mana. Pengennya main ke rumahnya si Komeng (Ilkomp 04) di Plaju. Kebetulan dia lagi ada di Palembang, habis nikahin kakaknya #lho
Tapi alamak jang, jauhnyo... Pengen ke perpus juga jauh, jadi aku memutuskan mencari Jl. Cut Nyak Dien yang ternyata ga jauh dari situ :D

*hela napas*

Ada apa di sana? Ada Wahana Bumi Hijau, organisasi nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang lingkungan. Cuma lihat lihat aja kok dari kejauhan #pakehelm
Habis itu mampir ke Walhi, yang ini juga cuma numpang lewat aja sebenernya. Jangan sampe ga tau aja yang mana yang namanya Walhi Palembang :D

*mulai hilang arah*

Akhirnya, aku memutuskan untuk menyerah terhadap keadaan ini. Sudahlah, sudah. Aku muter muter nyari warnet. Dikarenakan (ceilah pilihan katanya) proses pencarian beberapa alamat di atas dan sebuah warung internet, aku jadi melihat banyak sudut kota Palembang yang selama ini belum aku lihat. Bangga juga jadinya, sayang ga ada foto fotonya.


*terhubung dengan internet*

Jeeeeeng jeeeeeeeeeng! Ada bu Judith lagi on line di Gmail! Ternyata beliau sedang ada di Jogja, habis pulang dari Semarang dan Flores. Beliau bertanya apa aku sudah dapat kerja atau belum. Ya kujawab belum, tapi sedang menterjemahkan dua artikel tentang Vauban untuk dua web site luar :D
Beliau senang sekali dan meminta alamat web-nya jika nanti tulisanku sudah di-publish. Okelah bu, apa sih yang ga buat ibu? :))

*mulai kehabisan topik*

Jihaaaa! Finally I write something new. It's a pity to see how many archives in my blog for last year and this year...


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Angin Kencang, Siap siap Tersapu di Jalanan

Dear bloggy,

Sudah saatnya merealisasikan keinginan di tahun baru. Membuat blog yang berisi ulasan lagu lagu. Sehari satu.

Gemes, sebenernya bukan mau posting dengan tema ini. Lihat aja dari judulnya

Just wait and see #gayasirei

P.S :
bantu bantu kantor ibu nyiapin lomba siswa berprestasi eh "digaji" gocap =)) kesian amat